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Category: Dumb Criminal of the Day

Lawyer Jailed For Arriving Drunk To DUI Sentencing

Colorado lawyer Denise Kay had been nailed on three DUI charges in a year-and-a-half time period. So, she agreed plead guilty to the charges. Then, in January, it was time for sentencing. But there was a problem, the judge had reason to “question whether she was under the influence and ordered her to submit to a preliminary …

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Drive-Through Employee Smashes Customer’s Window

A heated argument over a $22 coffee order at a Seattle drive-thru coffee shop led to bikini-clad barista Emma Lee smashing a customer’s windshield with a hammer. The incident, captured on surveillance video, shows Lee reacting after the customer gets out of his car approached the window, and threw an iced coffee at her. Lee claimed …

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“Mr. Monopoly” Busted For Fake ID

A man who claimed his name was “Mr. Monopoly” and said he was born on 4-20-69, has been taken into custody. Ryan Howard, 33, was arrested Saturday night for spray painting a wall in St. Petersburg, Florida where officers found spray paint cans in his bag, which were in plain sight. Initially silent when asked …

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