Randy Holmes/ABC via Getty Images(LOS ANGELES) — Via his Twitter account and website, Jeff Bridges updated fans on the latest in his life since he announced in October he was battling Lymphoma.
Seen smiling as he’s resting on a hammock, with a furry friend in his lap, a bald-headed Bridges noted, “Feeling good! Shaved my head. Got a puppy – Monty. Had a birthday. 71, man.”
The Big Lebowski star turned 71 on December 4.
The Academy Award winner remains in good spirits, and even pointed fans to his site, where he tried to drum up the downloads for a musician friend of his, John Goodwin. Bridges said, “musicians are having a hell of a time making a living these days with the whole COVID deal.” He linked to some of Goodwin’s performances, and urged fans, “If you dig it, please support him with some moolah, some coinage, scratch, $, money…he can use the support!”
Bridges looked well, and with his shaved head, incidentally not unlike how he did in Iron Man 2, for which he shaved his head to play villain Obidiah Stane.
By Stephen Iervolino
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