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Marty McFly’s Hoverboard, Tom Hanks’ ‘Castaway’ buddy Wilson, Buddy’s ‘Elf’ costume and more coming up for auction


If you have a bunch of money burning a hole in your pocket, or if you’d just like to take a gander at some amazing Hollywood props, check out auction house PropStore‘s collection hitting the block on Tuesday, November 9th.

Up for grabs will be one-of-a-kind items from movie history, like the Hoverboard Michael J. Fox rode in 1989’s Back to the Future 2Harrison Ford‘s screen-worn shirt as Deckard in the 1981 sci-fi classic Blade Runner, and Tom Hanks‘ only friend, the volleyball he named Wilson, in the Oscar nominated 2000 movie Castaway

Bids will be taken both in person and online from November 9-11. 

Even if you don’t have the scratch to bid, however, you can “walk” through the virtual gallery, and examine each prop, and peruse information about each one. 

Here are some of the items up for grabs, along with how much they’re expected to sell for — but given the rarity of the items, it’s expected many in the upcoming collection will fetch more. 

Industrial Light and Magic’s Light-up ILM X-wing Filming Miniature from STAR WARS: EP VI – RETURN OF THE JEDI (1983) — $276,000 – $414,000

Stormtrooper Helmet from STAR WARS: EP VI – RETURN OF THE JEDI (1983) – $138,000 – $207,000

Light-up R2-M80/KR2-M80/R2-F1P Remote Control Droid from ROGUE ONE: A STAR WARS STORY (2016) and SOLO: A STAR WARS STORY (2018) —  $138,000 – $207,000

Original Screen-matched Large-scale Eagle Transporter Filming Miniature from SPACE: 1999 – $110,400 – $165,600

Marty McFly (Michael J. Fox) Autographed Lenticular Mattel Hoverboard from BACK TO THE FUTURE PART II – $82,800 – $110,400

Full-size T-800 Endoskeleton from TERMINATOR 2: JUDGMENT DAY (1991) – $82,800 – $110,400

James Bond’s (Sean Connery) Screen-matched Suit from YOU ONLY LIVE TWICE (1967) –  $69,000 – $96,600

Batman’s (Val Kilmer) Sonar Batsuit Display from BATMAN FOREVER (1995) – $55,200 – $82,800

Rick Deckard’s (Harrison Ford) Screen-matched Shirt from BLADE RUNNER (1982) – $55,200 – $96,600

Chuck Noland’s (Tom Hanks) Hero Screen-matched “Wilson” from CAST AWAY (2000) – $55,200 – $82,800

Maximus’ (Russell Crowe) Arena Helmet and Mask from GLADIATOR (2000) – $41,400 – $69,000

Spider-man (Tobey Maguire) Production Made Costume from SPIDER-MAN 3 (2007) –  $41,400 – $69,000

Buddy’s (Will Ferrell) Elf Costume from ELF (2003) – $27,600 – $41,400

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